Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nothing sparkles quite like asbestos!

IN addition addition to the soda ice chest I felt the patio needed a lovely lounge. I used a gift box from a set of small jars of jams and jellies. I glued and painted some foam rubber and here we go! I didn't photograph this but I also moved the sauna to the patio on top of the guest house. There's nothing like asimmer in the sauna followed by a frosty beverage. I'm imagining that there's a lake nearby. 

When Chris and I lived in our old house we found two big boxes of '50s floor tiles--salmon pink with foil confetti. Unfortunately, they're also asbestos so we weren't able to use them. I just couldn't bear to throw them away so I figured one piece sealed within an inch of its life couldn't kill me. I decided to use it in the Laura Ashley room. For fun I decided to paint a shelf to match the floor. I painted the actual shelf copper and painted the braces salmon pink with matching glitter.( Oh, in the background, you can see the dollhouse dresser I bought in Nogales when I was ten.. )

I wound up changing the tall shelf into two smaller shelves but you can see in this photo the bed and vanity. 

I have these little cats I've been dying to use in this project but I wound up having to glue them down. Their legs are so tiny that they won't stay upright.  I need to post more photos of the artwork that's now on the walls but my camera battery pack is charging. Trust's super-girly-girly.

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