Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm all twitterpated!

 I'm twitterpated because the prep work is finished and now I can start doing the fun stuff like putting it together and filling the rooms with furniture and tiny dessicant cylinders masquerading as canned food. 

I painted over the '70s backdrop and I used white paint (as in house paint) instead of spray paint. It was truly a rookie mistake and the paint caused the cardboard to crinkle. Sigh. 

Also, if you look at the last photo you can see that the backdrop has taken quite a beating. I think it looks like some mice have had it for lunch but I guess it could be wear and tear. At any rate, I glued some posterboard on all of the worn spots. 

I'd had a lot of trouble deciding where to put the finished product. It's around 60 inches long so I had to find a place for it. I didn't want to bury it in a bedroom because I want it to be a conversation piece. Fortunately, I found the perfect place on a bench/shelf in the picture window. I'll post photos of the progress which is sort of the point of this blog--ha ha

Friday, October 19, 2012

Carpenters rock!

Everybody needs a carpenter in their lives be it Jesus or the union variety.  It turns out that posterboard or matting just wasn't going to cut it (ha! cut! as in cutting with a saw). Matt the carpenter and I took a trip to Home Depot and found some sheets of particle board. I can't recall the name of the wood but it's the kind that's commonly used for dresser drawers. 

I'm glad I enlisted his help because he said that it was pretty complex and he's been a carpenter for around 20 years. We (well, he) carefully marked the measurements and used a circular saw and a circle bit. Then, he used Liquid Nails to adhere the wood to the plastic. It made a huge difference. I dont have to worry about the plastic floors bending and breaking. 

Thanks for your help, Matt aka "Thew." 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Found miniatures

I was up late late late working on this part of the project. This was the first time I'd really sorted through my found objects, sorting them from room to room. 

The palette for the kitchen will be red and white. I want to use either that Philosophy recipe box or the older metal recipe box. Who knows, though. I might find something else in their place. I want to use those red and white pot holders for rugs. 

Check it out! It's fresh produce!!! These are actually clip-on earrings that belonged to my grandmother.

I have tons and tons of mosaic tiles and thought this color pattern would work but I need to use my tile breaker. They're too big for the scale of the kitchen.

I'm not sure where this came from but it's going to be a wonderful cookie jar.

These Trimz wallpaper borders from the '40s may (or may not) work in the kitchen. About 10 years ago these were found on eBay constantly. I haven't been able to find them for the past few years---good thing I have multiple rolls.

Do you see that little notebook with the spider? This was the object that inspired me to begin this project.

This little "dresser" was purchased on a trip to Nogales, Mexico in 1980 give or take a few years. This was a crucial object in my townhouse when I was a kid.

I found these at Michael's crafts (I know..I know) and plan on using them as kitchen cabinets.

Those little black squares are tiny chalkboards and the little shapes are mirrors. The following photos are going to be mounted on the framing matting and used as wall art. I'll probably have to save them for later since there are so many. Check out the bookmarks below! (thanks, Mom)

These tiny candles are perfect! I love the tiny bunny candles and the tiny ladybugs. Now I just need to find some tiny candle holders.